My wife is on the road for her blog a lot more now than ever. I’m proud of her, but sometimes I’m at a loss in the kitchen when she’s not around. Since I’ve started a new job and have a commute the last thing on my mind when I get home is preparing a meal for myself and the three kids. Preparing dinner can be tough, especially when you and your family are starving and tired but don’t want to submit to the regular “dinner monotony” of pizza or take out. Thankfully, Barber Foods can help.
Barber Foods has been creating uniquely satisfying stuffed chicken entrees for more than 50 years. With Jen heading to Florida in a few weeks, I got to get a jump start on some meals I can prepare while she’s gone. Barber Foods has a selection of Stuffed Chicken Breasts that look pretty darn good and I’m generally a beef kinda guy. If I can take out a huge chunk of time in food preparation and focus on eating and then hanging out with my kids that’s a great night in my eyes. Prepackaged, but some selections are raw (take note for cooking instructions), each chicken breast is seasoned and stuffed with the highest quality ingredients.
At one of our favorite restaurants I’ve enjoyed something similar to chicken Cordon Bleu. Barber Foods makes a close second to that meal with a creamy cheese and ham combination that just pours out as you slice into the perfectly cooked piece. My son enjoys ham and cheese as much as I do and I credit him for approving it as a 10 year old, great to get his taste buds active and I’m sure he’ll eat well when mom is gone. We also tried the Chicken Parmesan version because I know I like pasta and cheese, why not mix some chicken in for a hearty dish.Both meals hit the spot. The chicken parmesan was like pizza and pasta flavors that everyone loves, I can eat both breasts in the package easily and they are tasty! The cordon bleu is already fully cooked so they can be microwaved and served in under three minutes and it’s moist and fresh tasting. The chicken parm comes frozen and raw but can give me some time to prepare a great side dish and salad while Jen is away. Frozen meals have come a long way and I’m thankful for Barber’s great quality and taste in chicken!
Product provided for honest review.