My oldest is in junior high school now and during P.E. there’s a lot more activity than there once was. For one, class is twice as long, and two, they run the mile at least twice a week. What does that mean for a pre-teen? Sweat! Lots of it, and when you are 11-13 years old, often sweat is accompanied by odor.
Now my daughter dances 4 days a week at her studio and at the beginning of this school/dance year we added something new to both her gym bag and her dance bag, deodorant. My biggest fear for her self-esteem is that someone other than her mom and dad, or little brother would tell her she stunk! I explained to her that I wasn’t telling her she had an odor, but we were going to prevent it by being pro-active, as well as preventing embarassment!
To ensure parents have the tools they need to maintain their tween’s confidence during the difficult transition from child to teenager, Unilever – the maker of Degree, Dove and Suave deodorants – has aligned with a roster of community partners and assembled a panel of experts to develop the educational website and resource Tweens face many sweat-inducing moments, but Unilever hopes to show parents that they can talk to their tweens about how the right deodorant can keep them free from odor, embarrassment and discomfort along the way.
We use Dove products for our hair, skin, and body and we received Dove Ultimate Go Fresh deodorant and body mist in the pomegranate and lemon verbena scent. Originally we used the powder scent due to it’s subtlety. Often a young one will get more attention brought to them if they have a powerful scent attributed to their regimen. My 11-year old tried both and is really happy wearing the new scent. I’m told by my daughter that scented skin lotion is big with her group of friends, so the body mist is perfect for her to wear and it really smells good. After a shower, the whole house smells great!
Check out the DontFretTheSweat website for finding the right match for your son or daughter, along with some money saving coupons on your next purchase. Remember, keep the lines of communication open with your children to make the best out of their challenging transitions!
I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Unilever and received the items necessary to facilitate my review. In addition, Mom Central sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.
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