I’ve been blogging over 4 years now and my oldest daughter is now a teenager. It was easy before, she’d pose, I shoot her photo and feature on my family blog Musings of The Mom Jen. Now that she’s going to be a high school Freshman I hear, “mom, don’t blog about me,” “mom, don’t you DARE put that picture on Facebook, or Pinterest, or Instagram!” I get it, the teenage years are tough on kids, I remember and especially for self-conscious girls. Out My Window offers its users a more personal way to share photos with their closest family and friends.
With Out My Window, photos and memories that we capture as a family can be shared with those close to us ONLY, and I can spare embarrassment from my sensitive teenager. I can honestly tell my daughter, “Grandma and Grandpa are the ONLY ones who’ll see this particular photo, but I do have to share!”
The photos I take that may (god forbid) have my kids or teen daughter without makeup, in a swimsuit, or making a silly face won’t be shown to all my social media friends, some whom I’ve never met. Some photos are just mom’s decision since blogging is my job. It just makes sense!
What kind of photos would you want to share using the platform?
Out My Window App is FREE on iTunes: http://bit.ly/Mx96k6
I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for ‘outmywindow™.’
oh,I know what you mean,I raised 3 of that species called Teenagers,omg,,,from one day to the next its different,what will make them happy one day will make them cry the next,good luck!
you are so right and my first teen is female so that speaks volumes too! ;P
This is great! even when i share on social media it’s hard to keep up with all the privacy settings they keep changing but with this you don’t have to worry at all! Thanks for the review/tip for all of us mommy’s 🙂