I hate being home alone. It’s too quiet and then the softest of creak or crack makes me jump out of my skin. Maybe it’s all the horror films I enjoyed watching when I was young, now they spook me to no end. Don’t get me started on burglars either, that’s why we have a house alarm. Remember those Home Alone movies? They always made me nervous but thankfully with a comedic twist. And, who could resist Macaulay Culkin’s precious and infamous facial expression?! In the latest installment of the franchise on DVD now, Home Alone: The Holiday Heist, Finn Baxter and his family move from California to Maine to their new house. Finn is terrified and believes the house is haunted. While he sets up traps to catch the “ghost”, his parents get stranded across town and Finn is home alone with his sister. Their house is targeted by 3 thieves. The movie is rated PG and has 90 minutes of entertainment!
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I am a part of the Fox Home Entertainment Insiders program, all thoughts are my own.
Yes, especially the first one.
I’ve seen the first one for sure, but I’m not certain after that
I love Home alone especially the original. It reminds me of my younger brothers they were so like this.
Yes, I’ve seen the original but probably not since it came out.
oh yes I have! I have also let my granddaughter watch them too:)
I have. I love them, we watch them all the time.
We have seen the originals and love them.
Yes we have seen the original and #2