This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Kleenex but all my opinions are my own. #KleenexAllergy #pmedia
My son was 7 when we’d notice that every Spring his nose would run clear like a faucet. After days of dealing with it we’d end up at the doctor but thankfully and strangely nothing was ever diagnosed. The Fall season would approach and the same thing began again, sniffles, runny nose, constant wet face. Finally it was determined that my son suffered from seasonal allergies. We were prescribed medication, but we began to notice a new habit forming as a result of the constant mucus….Booger Sleeve. Booger Sleeve happens when all else fails and you use your arm to swipe the snot out of your nose, across your face and onto your clothes.Let me preface this with my unconditional love for my son. He and my daughters are my world, my everything. But, I do not like to look down at the clothes that we’ve purchased for our kids and see snail tracks! I’d send my son to school and he would come home with a glossy tint to his forearms on long sleeves or at the bicep of short sleeves. “Son, what happened?” His allergy eyes and raw nose would point up to me sadly and he’d shrug his shoulders. My poor sweetheart endured mom and dad’s pleas to use the classroom tissue, we’d stuff toilet paper in his pockets, ask his teacher kindly to remind him to grab from the Kleenex box.
Finally at age 9 he began getting allergy shots that helped a lot more with his mucus. But, as he began Spring baseball and Fall soccer, being outdoors constantly just brought back the faucet and the dirty shirts and sweatshirts. Here we are 3 years later and on occasion I’m still reminding him about his habit.
The hardest part about it all these years is the teasing, my Mama Bear comes out and I want to protect my child from the perils of mean kids and sometimes even siblings. I would remind him first so someone else didn’t tell him. We’ve finally got a routine down that works for us, works for him, and protects his clothes all thanks to Kleenex!
We buy Kleenex in bulk for our home from Target. We buy Kleenex pocket packs and wallet packs for backpacks, PE bags, sports equipment bags, and the car. We keep wallet and pocket packs in the car and always gift them to our kids’ teachers year-round. There’s no excuse for Booger Sleeve any longer!
I hate to see old boogers on clothes,when they dry they are hard to get off