There’s something magical about the beginning of any Disney movie when you see Cinderella’s castle appear, lit up with bright lights and stars and fireworks. It’s the moment where you realize you’re about to watching something special — something Disney. As it turns out, it’s even more magical when the castle becomes real, and you realize you’re actually looking at a real life version of Cinderella’s castle! And that’s how Disney’s Cinderella began for me.
From beginning to end this film was a tribute to the original animated version that we all grew up watching. While it had plenty of unique features of its own, such as weaving a longer tale of how Cinderella was so loved by her parents and what she went through when she lost them, it respected the timeless moments we all treasure and brought them to the big screen with vibrance.
A wonderful example is in the cast, which was chosen perfectly to represent the characters we love — and love to hate! The lovely Lily James, who I enjoy in Downton Abbey, played the role of Cinderella flawlessly, and somehow brought this kind and forgiving character to the big screen without making you feel like she was foolish for letting others hurt her. She was a beloved daughter who took heed of her mother’s advice for how to live her life — “Have courage and be kind.” We should all keep such words in mind in our daily lives.
Of course you can’t have Cinderella without a wicked stepmother, and who better to play that role than the incredible Cate Blanchett. She always brings such talent to any character she takes on, and she did no less with Cinderella. While she may have looked younger and more beautiful than the animated version, she and her gray cat Lucifer certainly encompassed the evil wickedness that made you want to jump through the screen and shake them! However, leave it to Disney to give you a little more insight to the character, and showing you some of the reasons why she is the way she is. I can’t say the same for Lucifer.
Stepsisters Driscilla ad Anastasia were no disappointment, either! Played by Sophie McShera and Holliday Grainger, they were exactly as you’d wish them to be — shallow girls with bad attitudes and absolutely no style, people skills or singing abilities. You can’t help but feel glad when their own mother says to them, “Do shut up!”
Making an animation into a reality can’t have been easy, but Disney nailed it over and over, especially when the wonderful Fairy Godmother arrives and the magic begins. The effects of seeing our favorite mice (Gus Gus is back!) turned into horses is hilariously done, and the pumpkin coach couldn’t be more beautiful. Better still is the live action when the clock strikes twelve! You’ll suddenly be glad that you’re not the one in the shrinking pumpkin!
Last but not least, I need to mention the costumes. Every detail that went into every outfit worn was magnificently done. Most were fairly unique to the movie, but enough details from the animation pop up to bring back a moment of that nostalgia we love. The best to mention is Cinderella’s ball gown. It is one of the most stunning dresses I’ve ever seen, from the design to the color to the butterfly details. My hats off to you, Disney. You really hit the mark there!
Please don’t miss seeing Disney’s Cinderella in theaters starting March 13. It’s a movie for the entire family if they love a good fairy tale with romance, humor and a lot of fun.
Merrie is a writer for the Jen is on a Journey and you can also find her at her blog, Sleepless Mornings: Merrie is the mother of two beautiful children, newly married, a scrapbooker, a baker, and always fun to be around! Media passes were given for review.
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