Laundry. It’s the bane of my existence, but it’s necessary, and important and you just can’t go around naked in public. With 5 people in our house and daily sports, dance, and work clothes needing attention our washer is always running. Because of our busy schedules we run the washer and dryer a few times daily and when we need to empty the dryer we just toss the clean clothes up onto the shelf. You see that picture up there, that’s our laundry situation year-round. Don’t get me wrong, I love having our washer and dryer inside our house but this is smack dab in the center of our home, in a narrow hallway and we’re always climbing over it. Just as we’re entering Spring Break I put my foot down and decided it was time to tackle this mess, it was time for Spring Cleaning: The Laundry Edition!The light bulb went off and we actually started the process a few years ago. Before, those clean clothes just piled up in front of the dryer and my handy husband built a shelf above to keep them off the floor. Well that was fine and good for a while, until time just got by us and that pile grew. Then when people go looking for something to wear, they just pull on the pile and leave it there. The light bulb burnt out and for way too long we’ve let this go on, hiding our mess behind the 1980’s bi-fold doors our home was built with.
No matter what, there’s going to be laundry, but how could we tackle it quicker on a daily basis until we could get to putting it away? I started with buying big container tubs. My older two children have laundry baskets in their rooms and they made a promise to oversee their own laundry each week to cut down on the pile. I’m holding them to that, so then it’s just my husband and I, my youngest daughter, and the bazillion towels we have. Oh and the bajillion socks! I used a smaller container to get the sock and underwear situation under control. If nothing else, this is needed ever single day by all of us and we’re always looking to match up lost pairs.Then it was sorting time. The initial sort was overwhelming because of the large pile. But if we can start by sorting items right out of the dryer, then it’s going to save us time and stress!
4 days later About an hour later, we had made huge progress.We can also see the floor again and no more tripping over Mt. Laundry Pile.
When you think about it, it’s a no-brainer. But we are busy 24-7, I mean some week nights we’re home for about an hours time and chores just get away from us.
I also wanted to get our laundry supplies under control and organized. The detergent was always buried under the clothes and on many occasions it spilled. Don’t get me started on the stain remover. We once washed it because it had fallen into the washing machine. A plastic caddy is an inexpensive problem solver.
In our caddy we can put our detergent, fabric softener, stain remover (I made my own with 2 parts hydrogen peroxide and 1 part dishwashing detergent), rubber gloves, and Viva® Vantage Big Roll Paper Towels. Viva® Vantage paper towels are like terrycloth with their scrubby texture and after spraying my son’s baseball pants for grass stains I used them to scrub the stain. Their strength was impressive, they didn’t tear with the moisture and scrubbing.Also, the dust and lint that collects in the laundry area is unbelieveable. If we don’t keep on top of it, our allergies act up like wildfire. Without any spray or moisture, a few swipes with Viva® Vantage paper towels and lint and dust is collected in the towels grooves and texture.
Last night I pulled down one of those full tubs of towels and I folded them as I watched a movie. When I was done, I helped my daughter tackle hers. Walking by the hallway I love seeing the tubs up there especially when they’re empty. This is one step towards a more organized home and a solution to making quicker work of a overwhelming chore.
Viva® offers a choice of two types of everyday towels that work like cloth to stand up to any cleaning job, learn more on their social channels.
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I’m using this chart to guide me through the rest of my spring cleaning, you can too! (right click to save to your computer, click to find deals at Walmart!)
How do you keep on top of your laundry chore? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.
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