I participated in a In-Home Party Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Weight Watchers Sweet Baked Goods. I received product samples to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
My name is Jen and I’m a chocoholic. {Hi Jen!}
Okay so I may be exaggerating a little, I don’t go to chocoholics anonymous, but I probably would if there was one! You see, I have a sweet tooth for chocolate. Well, actually I have 20 sweet teeth for chocolate, it’s just something that satisfies a need inside me that no other treat can. I seem to crave it after a meal. At night. Midday. Just about anytime.
But, here’s the deal. I started doing Zumba fitness about a month ago. I want to lose some weight plus tone my body for my health. Plus we’re going to Maui in December, so you know, the whole bathing suit business. When I was younger I could just snack all the time without the guilt or consequences. Now that I’m over 40, my metabolism doesn’t work like it used to. I have to pay attention to what I eat more and make smarter snack choices.
Enter Weight Watchers Sweet Baked Goods. I jumped at the chance to host a tasting party for some family and friends to try the Salted Caramel Brownie Bliss treats. With “Brownie” and “Bliss” in the name, I knew this was right up my alley. The goal of this fun campaign is to find out why “Tasting is Believing” when I put my guests to the challenge. Would they be able to identify the maker of this delicious treat as a Weight Watchers Sweet Baked Goods low-calorie snack?
With the Salted Caramel Brownie Bliss Treats on plates and the boxes out of site, I passed them out for my guests to taste.
There were cards ready for the guesses of who actually made these sweet treats, and a jar to place them in.
Like me, many of my guests let out a huge sigh of content and uttered the words, “oh so good” after their first bite. The chocolate and salted caramel combination is huge in desserts right now and they all loved the taste. Sweet, salty, rich, chocolate and caramel, honestly it was magic in our mouths! They voted, and I revealed the big secret and the room went quiet!
“No way!”
“Are you kidding?”
Without hesitation, my nephew and daughter asked for another. I sent my brother and his girlfriend home with a box because a few days later, he’s still saying, “really, Weight Watchers !?” I went on to share that each brownie is 90 calories and carries a Weight Watchers PointsPlus value of 2 points. I’ve found them at my local grocery store and they retail for $3.29 per box of 6. We all thought that even though they are small in size, the portion is just enough with the combination of flavors. The conversation got sweeter by mentioning the other fabulous Weight Watchers Sweet Baked Goods that include:
- Triple Chocolate Brownie Bliss
Mint Chocolate Brownie Bliss
Peanut Butter Brownie Bliss
Chocolate Crème Cake
Lemon Crème Cake
Red Velvet Crème Cake
Carrot Crème Cake
Chocolate Brownie
Coffee Cake
My sweet tooth is bias to chocolate, but that will not stop me from checking the store today for the Lemon Creme Cake!
I am so excited about the Weight Watchers Sweet Baked Goods offer or my own personal goals I’m so excited that I can choose smartly when I snack and that my choices won’t hinder my new fitness plan.
Tasting Is Believing Challenge
You have a few days left to take the Tasting is Believing Challenge, through May 31, 2015. Customers are invited to purchase any Weight Watchers Sweet Baked Goods treat, try it, and if they don’t love it, get their money back! Complete details and customer reactions can be found at http://tastingisbelieving.com/.
Have you tried the Weight Watchers Sweet Baked Goods, what is your favorite?