With school out, summer is filled with fun activities and new freedoms for teens, such as getting their driver’s permit, license, and driving. However, keeping teen drivers safe from harm can be a big concern for parents, especially with summer being the deadliest time of year for teenage motor fatalities. Next year my oldest daughter will get her driver’s license. Up until then she may be starting to drive around with teen friends and that that makes me a bit anxious! That’s why I wanted to let you know about steps you can take today to help your teen become a safer driver year round.
The tips and resources below may not only keep your teen and others free from harm, but also could save you money on insurance.
· Tip 1: Help your teen become a safer driver by talking openly about your expectations and rules for when they’re behind the wheel, such as never texting or using their cell phones while driving.
– Consider negotiating a Teen Driving Contract that requires your teen to avoid driving dangers, such as texting, driving under the influence and not wearing a seat belt. The NAIC even has a customizable Teen Driving Contract to get you started!
· Tip 2: No matter how safe or prepared you or your teen may be, accidents happen. In the event you or your teen driver is involved in an auto accident, make sure everyone knows what steps to take to stay safe and protect their identities when exchanging information for a claim.
– The NAIC’s free WreckCheck app walks you through what to do — and not do — after an accident. The app helps users collect necessary information on the spot, then immediately emails a report to your home and your insurance agent. The app can be found online at iTunes® and Google Play® or by searching “NAIC” at the iTunes store or Android market.
· Tip 3: Adding a teen driver to your auto insurance policy can be costly. Make sure both you and your teen driver understand all the insurance implications of how even minor fender-benders can add up.
– Insureuonline.org is an unbiased resource to help you and your teen driver get educated about the risks and insurance implications of unsafe driving.
7 Eye-Opening Facts
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I always see people texting and driving they need to stop!
The accident statistic within the first year scares me!
That only 44% of teens would speak up if the way someone was driving scared them is eye-opening. We should teach our kids to never be afraid to keep themselves safe.
Alarming statistic : 43% of teens admitted they have texted while driving. (Imagine how many would not ‘fess up to it and the number goes even higher!)
One statistic I found helpful was – Teens whose parents set rules and monitor behavior are 70% less likely to drive intoxicated!
The average teen has 30x more hours of coaching in soccer than driving is surprising reading it, but completely believeable
Parents who set rules and monitor behavior are 70% less likely to have a teen who drives intoxicated
Teens with passengers are 3.6% more likely to be involved in a fatal car accident.
Teen Drivers With Passengers Are 3.6% More Likely To Be Involved In A Fatal Crash!
The NAIC’s free WreckCheck app walks you through what to do — and not do — after an accident. The app helps users collect necessary information on the spot, then immediately emails a report to your home and your insurance agent.
parents who set rules are less likely to have children who drive intoxicated.
The passanger statistic alarmed me. I think the discussion of raisingthe driving age needs to be revisited.
Alarming…teens with passengers are 3.6 times more likely to have an accident.
I find it very alarming that 97 percent of teens know that texting and driving is dangerous…yet 43 percent have done it!
97% of teens text while driving but only 43% admit doing so!
I find it alarming that 43% of teens text and drive! That is almost half of teenagers!
My kids are 20, 17, 15, and 12 so teen driving is a topic I am becoming very familiar with. All of the statistics are somewhat alarming but I really was not surprised at some of them. The one stating that only 44% of teens would speak up if someone was driving in a way that scared them is a big one for me. I would hope that my kids wouldn’t be afraid to speak up and/or get out of the car if one of their friends was practicing bad driving habits.
the statistic i found alarming was 3.6 X more likely to be involved in fatal crash with passengers. that’s pretty scary.
I think the teen driving contract is a great idea, if they truly agree to follow it. If not there should be major consequences, which hopefully is included in the contract.
1 in 5 16 yo have an accident within the first year of driving
43% of teens admitted they have texted while driving– I am surprised that so many admitted it.
Scary only 44% would speak up if a driver scared them.
I find it alarming that 97% think texting while driving is dangerous but 43% still admit to doing it.
I knew that it was dangerous for teens to dive with others, did NOT know they were 3.6x more likely to be in a FATAL accident. Terrifying. Also terrifying that they don’t speak up in scary circumstances. 🙁
The number of kids who admitted to texting.
It’s really alarming that they are 3.6 times more likely to be in a fatal accident. Just plain scary.
1 in 5 has an accident in their first year of driving. Yikes!
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I am surprised that 43% of teens admit they text while driving
I find it alarming that 43% of teens admitted to texting while driving!
the teen drivers with passengers involved in more fatal crash stat
that they have 30 or more hours in soccer practice the driving practice
I found it surprising that 16 year olds are 1.8 times more likely to get traffic tickets.
43% of teens admitted they have texted while driving.
Teens with passengers are 3.6 Xs more likely to have an accident
The first year accident spastics are alarming.
I find that only 43% of teen admitting to texting while driving to be scary but I fear the number is much higher than that.
97% of teens text while driving
I let them know what we are paying for insurance and that it would double if they have a wreck